Neuro Emotional Technique and Dealing with Anger I know I will catch some serious flack from other therapists with what I am about say, but, I really do not care. I think anger management therapy is crap compared to working with anger using Neuro Emotional Technique(NET). If I am being totally honest, I think almost any other type of therapy is crap compared to NET. My reasoning behind this is because nothing else has come close to seeking and destroying root causes of emotional struggles in both myself and in the lives of my patients. Now, getting back to why I use and believe that NET is best suited for helping those working through anger.
Anger's root cause in any situation is pain. Whether that pain stems from physical or emotional causes makes no difference. Pain always has a cause. Since pain has a cause, then obviously, so does anger. Most people realize that having angry outbursts and hitting objects is not good. We all know right from wrong, so I fail to reason why anger management classes still attempt to teach this way. What I propose is that we treat the initial root cause of the anger that usually began many years prior. For instance, I had a person I treating for uncontrolled anger outbursts. We did NET, and uncovered the anger stemmed from not being accepted at home, and this individual was competing with siblings for the father's attention and love. We eliminated the source of pain, and instantly this individual's anger fuse lengthened by miles. Anger is a conditioned response to an uncomfortable stimulus. Remove the initial source, and boom... problem is almost always solved. Till next time, Justin
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April 2024