Neuro Emotional Technique - Depression I have said in other blog posts that depression and be categorized as two types: Organic and Situational. Organic depression almost always requires medication because there is a lack of serotonin being created in the brain. Situational depression is the nasty result of some sort of past event that we can not for whatever reason get over. Both types of depression are treatable. The fastest method, bar none, that I have come across over the years is Neuro Emotional Technique.
Neuro Emotional Technique is a mind/body approach to eliminating stuck feelings in the body. It is so different from traditional talk therapy because it uses the scientifically validated energy systems of the body to locate specific feelings associated with the negative event. This is done through a two step process of using a technique called manual muscle testing and touching on meridian pulse points on the wrist. This process takes literally just a few minutes. When I had this done to me, I literally felt a surge of emotions that felt like an electrical charge leave my body. The feelings are still gone, and chatter in my brain from before is not there. Most people who I do this technique with experience the same thing. It is strange, yet amazing. Getting back to how Neuro Emotional Technique can treat depression. Depression can rear its ugly head in so many ways, and sometimes the feelings of why we feel depressed are just masked by a feeling of dread and sadness. In traditional talk therapy, we would run around in circles trying to figure out some rhyme and reason to the depression, but with Neuro Emotional Technique, the research shows that the subconscious mind already knows, and is willing to let go with some simple investigative work. Literally, by pressing the meridian pulse points in the wrist we know almost immediately the underlying feeling, and then, we generally know the cause. From there, we add a few more steps, and the feelings are released. As I have said in other posts, with Neuro Emotional Technique, I can quite literally get a year's worth of traditional therapy done in under an hour. Just the other day, I got a person to smile and joke for the first time in two years after they experienced what they experienced. We did that in under 20 minutes. I can not begin to express how this has changed my practice, my life, and my view of the world. I am going to keep doing these blogs and tell as many people as I can until everyone who needs it gets to experience the release that I felt and now many of my patients. Till next time, Justin
Neuro Emotional Technique and Panic AttacksPlain in simple, Neuro Emotional Technique(NET) is quite possibly the fastest way to permanently end panic attacks. Even the panic attacks that seem to have no initial cause are simply no match for NET. In the framework of NET, panic attacks are nothing more than an emotional stuck point somewhere in the body. For instance, why is that that when we feel anxious or nervous, we have butterflies of in our stomach or a tightness in our chest? If it is supposedly all in our heads, then why do other parts of our body feel it? This proves that our body and mind are interconnected, and the body stores negative feelings in different places. This is where NET comes into play. NET uses something called manual muscle testing, and touching emotional points in the wrist to quickly find the physical source of the panic attacks. Once this is complete, we will have the patient think about and feel those feelings, and BOOM, feelings and panic attacks are gone. I am not going to lie, I thought this was total crap(yep, I said that word) before I personally experienced it, and did it with others. Nothing I have seen is faster. Check out the research at
NET is so fast and all encompassing, I have personally given up on traditional talk therapy as a main method for treatment. Do not get me wrong, talk therapy has it's place, but it is not the catch all be all for getting people better. At the time of this writing, I have been doing therapy in one form of another for 17 years. Up until, I feel that I owe every past patient an apology for not learning NET and not doing NET for them sooner. Till next time, Justin |
BLOGAuthorThoughts of rambling therapists. Archives
April 2024