Neuro Emotional Technique and Panic AttacksPlain in simple, Neuro Emotional Technique(NET) is quite possibly the fastest way to permanently end panic attacks. Even the panic attacks that seem to have no initial cause are simply no match for NET. In the framework of NET, panic attacks are nothing more than an emotional stuck point somewhere in the body. For instance, why is that that when we feel anxious or nervous, we have butterflies of in our stomach or a tightness in our chest? If it is supposedly all in our heads, then why do other parts of our body feel it? This proves that our body and mind are interconnected, and the body stores negative feelings in different places. This is where NET comes into play. NET uses something called manual muscle testing, and touching emotional points in the wrist to quickly find the physical source of the panic attacks. Once this is complete, we will have the patient think about and feel those feelings, and BOOM, feelings and panic attacks are gone. I am not going to lie, I thought this was total crap(yep, I said that word) before I personally experienced it, and did it with others. Nothing I have seen is faster. Check out the research at
NET is so fast and all encompassing, I have personally given up on traditional talk therapy as a main method for treatment. Do not get me wrong, talk therapy has it's place, but it is not the catch all be all for getting people better. At the time of this writing, I have been doing therapy in one form of another for 17 years. Up until, I feel that I owe every past patient an apology for not learning NET and not doing NET for them sooner. Till next time, Justin
Neuro Emotional Technique and Anxiety In almost 17 years in practice, I have never seen anything quite like the Neuro Emotional Technique(NET). It consists of 25% Neuro Psychology
25% Chinese Acupuncture(No needles required) 25% Chiropractic 25% Applied Kinesiology Actually, the percentages are not a hundred percent accurate, but they do consist of 4 fields of study to create one amazing method to treat underlying emotional stuck points faster than anything that I have seen before. In the past, I would have treated people with four different approaches that depend upon each person's personality. A few years ago, I gave up doing talk therapy for EMDR and hypnosis. Now, I have almost completely abandoned them for NET. What happens is this. First we find where the emotions reside through accessing Meridian points in wrist. For the non acupuncture type, Meridian parts are scientifically validated points in the body and wrist that store emotional energy. Think of it as the remote control to our feelings. Different points equate to different emotions. Then, we find the initial cause of the feeling/s. What gets really weird is that that we may go back many many decades, but once we find the initial cause, we go back to the moment and start thinking forward. What happens next is mind boggling because nearly every person I have done this with reports that they feel different and the anxious feelings are gone. I must be completely honest here when I say the feelings are gone. The feelings that we worked on specifically are gone, but there may be other feelings that we are not yet ready to release. Usually when this happens, the other hidden feelings reveal themselves, and we can release them by next session. This generally happens when a person has several anxieties for a particular subject. Most of the time, we can treat in 1 session. We will repeat the pattern until all the feelings are gone. In average, I can do work on 10 feelings per hour. That is why I said that we can get about a year's worth of therapy in less than hour. Check out for more info. Till next time, Justin Relieve a panic and anxiety attacks in these easy steps: 1. Pick the smallest and farthest object across the room that your eyes are able to see. 2. Stare at this object as if you are trying to burn a hole through it with your eyes. Stare so intently as if you very life depends upon it. 3. Take slow deep breathes and try to blow the object away. 4. Repeat until panic attack resolves. This is a Zen Buddhist mediation trick of "emptying the mind." Because panic attacks are the result of the mind racing, we need to rapidly cause the mind to stop. What this trick does is force the mind to only think of one thing and one thing only. Once this happens, the thoughts causing the panic attack can no longer race. This causes the person to feel better almost immediately. Now, this is not a permanent solution, but a mere band aid in order to survive until the cause of the panic attacks can be resolved. For a permanent solution, check out this video. Bright Hope Counseling Center
1558-G Union Road Gastonia, NC 28054 704-772-0333 Chest hurts, heart starts racing, the sudden fear of imminent death, and the world around starts to close in. Sound familiar? Panic attacks are some of the scariest experiences a person can endure. Sometimes they only last for a few minutes, and others, last for hours. They seem to strike at any moment for whatever reason. They can debilitate a person to point of them never leaving their house, and when the thought of leaving happens, severe panic ensues.
Panic attacks leave the sufferer feeling absolutely helpless. Yet, I am here to declare that hope and healing is possible. With the right therapist, relief from panic attacks can come sooner than most people think. Below is a list of treatments that I have used with individuals to help rapidly resolve their panic. 1. Hypnosis - Clinical hypnosis works wonders for the rapid resolution of panic attacks. Contrary to urban myth, I can not make a person do anything without their consent. In other words, there is no barking like a dog or quacking like a duck. Anybody who wants to experience hypnosis will be able to be hypnotized. With hypnosis, the person enters a relaxed state where the subconscious mind becomes active. Once active, the mind is open to suggestions that allow the person to overcome the effects of panic attacks. What happens is that over time, the frequency and intensity is drastically reduced. For most scenarios, this is my go to method. 2. EMDR - This is a form of therapy that rapidly resolves traumatic experiences in patients. EMDR can be used to treat panic attacks as they are happening to help the brain become desensitized to the stressors that cause the sudden onset of attacks. For frequent panic attacks, this seems to work best. 3. Flooding - The concept of flooding is controversial. Many therapists like what it can do, but it taxes the emotional threshold of the patient. Flooding literally means what it says. The panic attack sufferer will place themselves in a situation that instantly causes an attack, and the more frequent a person is placed in that environment, the quicker the recovery. Imagine the brain is like a computer that is frozen. What flooding does is press the reset button, and fixes the error. I like the idea of flooding, but to convince the patient is another subject altogether. 4. Psychotropic Medications - I am not a big fan of psychiatric medications. I believe that they have their place in a person's treatment. Generally speaking, psychotropic medications work. They are, however, not permanent solution. The more permanent solution is actual therapy. Psychotropic medications in conjunction with therapy is also helpful. |
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April 2024