Neuro Emotional Technique and Dealing with Anger I know I will catch some serious flack from other therapists with what I am about say, but, I really do not care. I think anger management therapy is crap compared to working with anger using Neuro Emotional Technique(NET). If I am being totally honest, I think almost any other type of therapy is crap compared to NET. My reasoning behind this is because nothing else has come close to seeking and destroying root causes of emotional struggles in both myself and in the lives of my patients. Now, getting back to why I use and believe that NET is best suited for helping those working through anger.
Anger's root cause in any situation is pain. Whether that pain stems from physical or emotional causes makes no difference. Pain always has a cause. Since pain has a cause, then obviously, so does anger. Most people realize that having angry outbursts and hitting objects is not good. We all know right from wrong, so I fail to reason why anger management classes still attempt to teach this way. What I propose is that we treat the initial root cause of the anger that usually began many years prior. For instance, I had a person I treating for uncontrolled anger outbursts. We did NET, and uncovered the anger stemmed from not being accepted at home, and this individual was competing with siblings for the father's attention and love. We eliminated the source of pain, and instantly this individual's anger fuse lengthened by miles. Anger is a conditioned response to an uncomfortable stimulus. Remove the initial source, and boom... problem is almost always solved. Till next time, Justin
Neuro Emotional Technique - What is it and How does it Help? As both a therapist and a student of life, I am constantly searching for ways to help both myself and the lives of my patients. I feel that any provider, whether they are a medical doctor, nurse, psychologist, or therapist, should be open to possibilities that what they currently know to be true could one day be turned upside down. This is what happened to me this past March.
I have a colleague friend of mine that I have known since my early days of counseling. She practices in my hometown in Florida, while I practice here in Gastonia. Ironically, we each recieved training in the exact same forms of treatment that the average therapist never takes the time to learn. It was not until last year, I saw her post on Facebook about the Neuro Emotional Technique or NET for short. I asked her how much better is it at helping people with trauma, anxiety, phobias, etc compared to traditional talk therapy, EMDR, and hypnosis. What she said made my skeptical. She said NET blew those treatments out of the water. It was not until six months later when I was talking to an old friend from the church I attended as a child that NET became a reality. She said that she went to my therapist friend for help, and was helped immensely in just a couple of sessions. It was my friend's testimony that prompted me to sign up for the next training. What happened at the training completely took my previous 16 years of practice and stood it on its head. I attended this training in Orlando. I am not going to lie, I was planning on going to the training, and if it was total garbage compared to what I had already known, I was going to leave and go on a mini vacation for myself, and spend the next few days lying on the beach with a cold one in my hand. Well, within the first hour, I was mesmerized. What I learned blew my mind. NET is a technique and a treatment method that helps people uncover and understand how life events in the past contribute to how we feel today. Often times, the events appear to be seemingly unrelated. We call these Neuro Emotional Complexes or just stuck points. It also uncovers emotional setbacks that keep us from healing physically. I literally watched people and now have treated people for chronic pain such as ear, leg, and stomach pain literally go away after uncovering and releasing past emotional stuck points. On a personal note, the physician who was teaching me asked me what I want to be different in my life, I said I want to be free of my addiction to sugar. What was uncovered was that my sugar addiction became out of control when my parents divorced when I was 17. To be perfectly clear, I am happy my parents are divorced and happily remarried, but at that time, but it was traumatic for me to go through. It was emotional residue, so to speak, that I was unaware that I still had in me. Since March 22(as of this writing on 5/5/18), I have lost over 30lbs without even trying. Another personal testimony is my elbow pain. I injured my elbows lifting weights. My elbows hurt so bad that I could barely lift myself up from the chair without help. I even had to have my intern open a bottle of water for me. To doctor helped me find the stuck point to that as well. My elbows have been bothering mefor about 5 months, and it was at that time, I remember making an off handed comment to my wife about a family member causing me a great deal of stress. That stressor was related to my elbow. Immediately after NET, I was to lift myself up, open my own bottle with out pain, and do unassisted push ups. My elbows now can finally heal. Needless to say, I am a believer. So what does all this mean to the people that I serve and treat. It means that I am one of only 8000 practitioners in the world that are trained to provide this service. There are over 600000 therapists in the US alone. So, NET is pretty darn unique. What I have literally seen happen is that we can get through a year of traditional talk therapy in less than one hour. The results speak for themselves. I do not have to know deep, dark, family secrets. Nor do we have to rehash the painful past. Check my link for NET on our website for a video demonstration. It is really that simple. To be fair, this is not a cure all. The individuals who are not well suited for this technique are people who suffer from active psychosis, and people with severe mental illness that need immediate long term hospitalization. Almost everyone else achieves success. So if you are someone else you love could benefit, give us a call. Till next time my friends, Justin As a practitioner of hypnosis, I am never shocked to see the positive applications that hypnosis has on my patients. I have watched countless times as people come into my office riddled in pain, and leave completely pain free. The mind is incredibly powerful. I have seen hypnosis turn addicts sober. As long as the mind is willing, anything can happen. This is why I want to talk about alcohol abuse and how hypnosis may be able to help.
The current course of treatment is a person addicted to alcohol will go into a multi day detox center and then enter some form of outpatient treatment. I read somewhere that an alcoholic trying to quit will quit a total of 10 times before finally quitting for good. I think the same holds true for most addictions. This is where hypnosis comes into play. When a person is truly ready to quit drinking, hypnosis is able to address underlying traumas that lead a person to tip back the bottle. I have always said that there are two types of alcoholics. The 1st being someone who just likes to be drunk, and the 2nd is someone who is struggling with unresolved pain and trauma. I find 2nd to be significantly more prevalent. With hypnosis, we can finally put to rest the desire to drink by giving the subconscious mind another avenue to release stress and pain. Depending on the mind's readiness to change, true and lasting change can be seen between 1-3 sessions. As always, hypnosis is not a magic pill. It requires a true desire on the individual's part. If you or someone you love is ready to make a lasting change, please give us a call. Best Wishes. Bright Hope Counseling Center |
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April 2024