In almost 18 years in practice, I have never seen anything quite like the Neuro Emotional Technique(NET). It consists of 25% Neuro Psychology
25% Chinese Acupuncture(No needles required)
25% Chiropractic
25% Applied Kinesiology
Actually, the percentages are not a hundred percent accurate, but they do consist of 4 fields of study to create one amazing method to treat underlying emotional stuck points faster than anything that I have seen before.
In the past, I would have treated people with four different approaches that depend upon each person's personality. A few years ago, I gave up doing talk therapy for EMDR and hypnosis. Now, I have almost completely abandoned them for NET. What happens is this. First we find where the emotions reside through accessing Meridian points in wrist. For the non acupuncture type, Meridian parts are scientifically validated points in the body and wrist that store emotional energy. Think of it as the remote control to our feelings. Different points equate to different emotions. Then, we find the initial cause of the feeling/s. What gets really weird is that that we may go back many many decades, but once we find the initial cause, we go back to the moment and start thinking forward. What happens next is mind boggling because nearly every person I have done this with reports that they feel different and the anxious feelings are gone. I must be completely honest here when I say the feelings are gone. The feelings that we worked on specifically are gone, but there may be other feelings that we are not yet ready to release. Usually when this happens, the other hidden feelings reveal themselves, and we can release them by next session. This generally happens when a person has several anxieties for a particular subject. Most of the time, we can treat in 1 session. We will repeat the pattern until all the feelings are gone. In average, I can do work on 10 feelings per hour. That is why I said that we can get about a year's worth of therapy in less than hour. Check out for more info.