Neuro Emotional Technique and Couples TherapyWhile I am in between patients, I decided to write a quick post about how Neuro Emotional Technique has helped my patients to move past and heal from marital affairs, cheating, and adultery. Often times in couple’s therapy, one spouse remains emotionally stuck on a particular event or events of the past. This makes the healing process very difficult. I have heard it many times before. One spouse has the affair, and the other one is left trying to cope and pick up the pieces. They often stay to me, “How can I ever move past and trust my spouse again?” The answer is simple. If a couple is determined to work through whatever occurred trust can be rebuilt. First, the offending spouse need to “eat some crow” as I call it by being completely and utterly transparent. No secrecy whatsoever. Second, they MUST handle any emotional upsets from the other spouse with total mercy and grace. Here is what I mean by mercy and grace. Instead of getting frustrated and say things such as, “When are you ever gonna get over this?” The offending spouse must say something along the lines of, “You are right, I was wrong, and I will do whatever it takes to make it right so you no longer feel this way.” Anything less starts the healing all over. It opens the wounds back up. Now, this is where Neuro Emotional Technique comes into play.
The reason I love Neuro Emotional Technique so much is that we can get a year’s worth of talk therapy completed in under an hour. In the case in infidelity, the person who was offended, or the one left to pick up the pieces, will benefit the most from this technique. We focus on the emotional blockages that keep us from moving forward such as feelings of fear, anger, resentment, etc. Once these feelings are released, healing takes place rather quickly. I do not know how to describe how it feels for my patients when they go through this technique. There is almost a universal feelings of calm and peace about the whole situation. The mind slows WAY down, and the patient can think calmly for the first time in a long time. Basically, I am told that they have their life back. So, if this is something you are someone you know may benefit from, please feel free to give us a call. Till next time, Justin
Neuro Emotional Technique and Chronic Pain In the past few weeks, I have been touting the benefits of Neuro Emotional Technique or NET for short. Reality is that I am so excited to share this with as many people who will read these posts and listen to me babble on and on about its benefits. My goal is to spread the word about NET to as many people so they can actually find relief. So, in today's post, I am going to discuss how chronic pain may be helped with Neuro Emotional Technique.
Everyone has experienced pain before. Not everyone, however has experienced debilitating chronic pain. President Trump recently declared a war on opioid addiction. That is great and all, but where does this fit in with those who suffer from chronic pain? Pain is horrible. It is designed to tell us that something is wrong, but when it becomes chronic, our quality of life greatly suffers. If doctors are scrutinized for prescribing pain medicine to people who need it, the patient with chronic pain are the one's that needlessly suffer. This is where Neuro Emotional Technique may come to the rescue. We know than pain obviously has a physical component to it, but did you know that there is often times an emotional component that when released can either eliminate or greatly reduce pain? When I went through NET training, I saw people with chronic knee pain, stomach pain, back pain, and even ear pain alleviated through NET. Personally, I blew out my elbows about 7 months ago from lifting too much weight at the gym. My elbows became so bad that I had to have my intern open a bottle of water for me because I could no longer twist the cap. What I found out when I had NET done on me is that I was having a difficult time with a close family member that has unfortunately been ongoing, and for whatever reason, my mind wanted to focus that emotional energy in my elbows. I was able to release the negative feelings, and I kid you not, I can move elbows, and I can even do push ups again without pain. The release was almost instantaneous. I have done it on so many people with similar results. Not long ago, I had an individual with ear pain that was having difficulty healing from surgery. We did NET for about 10 minutes, and the pain subsided. Even after followup, the pain was still gone. If for whatever reason, you can not come to us for NET or find a practitioner near, please check out our Facebook page where you can listen to my pain hypnosis mp3 free of charge. It is not as powerful as NET, nor is it as long lasting, but I hope you find relief when you listen. Till Next Time, Justin Neuro Emotional Technique and Substance Abuse Over the past few weeks, I have written quite a bit about Neuro Emotional Technique. In this post, I want to discuss how using this technique can help those suffering from substance abuse addictions and disorders.
I have said for more than a decade that there are two types of drug users. 1. The true addict you just enjoys getting high. 2. The person who chases the high in order to temporarily forget the struggles and pain of life. In almost 17 years of practice, I can honestly say that I can count on one hand how many people are true addicts and just like to get high. Everyone else is the second person. If that is you, I encourage you to continue reading. Traditional substance abuse or drug counseling works on the idea that addiction is a disease and the person needs a combination of education, cognitive behavioral therapy, and a relatively new technique called Motivational Interviewing. Reality is that the average person will enter rehab up to 10 times before they quit for good. When we incorporate Neuro Emotional Technique into treatment, we first start with what stressors and trauma contributed to current drug addiction. We will focus childhood traumas and stressors, current life situations, and finally the overall desire to quit and stay quit for good. Once the stressors or in Neuro Emotional Technique lingo, Neuro Emotional Complexes are out of the way, we can then begin traditional and standard treatment. My belief is simple. First we must remove the initial cause as to why a person is stuck in a particular thinking and/or behavior pattern. Then, and only then, do we begin to educate and help the person find ways to stay clean and sober. Otherwise, it is kind of like brushing your teeth with a mouth full of Oreos. Till next time, Justin Neuro Emotional Technique and OCD Outside of Neuro Emotional Technique(NET), OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is incredibly difficult to treat. For those that do not suffer from it, OCD is mostly joked about in a haphazard sort of way, but to those who suffer from it, it is debilitating. Reality is that standard talk therapy does little to address the root cause. OCD is a form of anxiety, but unlike other anxiety disorder, there seems to have absolutely no initial cause of it. This is where Neuro Emotional Technique comes to the rescue.
Unlike talk therapy, NET finds the cause by using manual muscle testing to find the physiological spot in the body where the anxiety or OCD has it origin. I know this sounds pretty funky and completely WOO WOO, but it actually has scientific validation. For instance, it is a known scientific fact that the mind and body are interconnected, and when emotional stressors occur, the brain records those moments any where in body. That is why there are documented cases of people remembering traumatic experiences after receiving deep tissue massages. So, now let's get back to NET and how we address and treat OCD. Once we find this sweet spot, so to speak, we use Meridian Access Points(acupuncture points for the mind). Each point is associated with a feeling, and once the feeling is identified, we do what we call an age test. Since the subconscious mind records everything from conception to present, we can literally go back and find the emotional reality or perceived start of the event. Now, we have the cause. Once this happens, we just eliminate through pressing the meridian points, breathing deeply, and feeling the initial feeling or memory. This process literally takes 10-15 minutes from start to finish. I know what I propose sounds like some snake oil being sold by a traveling salesperson, but I have seen too much to know that this works, and works astonishingly well. If confidentiality was not important, I would tell everyone what I have seen. Unfortunately, people have to take my word for it, and see for themselves. Because of this technique alone, I can honestly say that I am done with talk therapy, and have devoted my time to promote NET by showing as many people how fast and well this helps. Till next time, Justin Neuro Emotional Technique and Anxiety In almost 17 years in practice, I have never seen anything quite like the Neuro Emotional Technique(NET). It consists of 25% Neuro Psychology
25% Chinese Acupuncture(No needles required) 25% Chiropractic 25% Applied Kinesiology Actually, the percentages are not a hundred percent accurate, but they do consist of 4 fields of study to create one amazing method to treat underlying emotional stuck points faster than anything that I have seen before. In the past, I would have treated people with four different approaches that depend upon each person's personality. A few years ago, I gave up doing talk therapy for EMDR and hypnosis. Now, I have almost completely abandoned them for NET. What happens is this. First we find where the emotions reside through accessing Meridian points in wrist. For the non acupuncture type, Meridian parts are scientifically validated points in the body and wrist that store emotional energy. Think of it as the remote control to our feelings. Different points equate to different emotions. Then, we find the initial cause of the feeling/s. What gets really weird is that that we may go back many many decades, but once we find the initial cause, we go back to the moment and start thinking forward. What happens next is mind boggling because nearly every person I have done this with reports that they feel different and the anxious feelings are gone. I must be completely honest here when I say the feelings are gone. The feelings that we worked on specifically are gone, but there may be other feelings that we are not yet ready to release. Usually when this happens, the other hidden feelings reveal themselves, and we can release them by next session. This generally happens when a person has several anxieties for a particular subject. Most of the time, we can treat in 1 session. We will repeat the pattern until all the feelings are gone. In average, I can do work on 10 feelings per hour. That is why I said that we can get about a year's worth of therapy in less than hour. Check out for more info. Till next time, Justin Neuro Emotional Technique and PTSD and Trauma The One Research foundation is the non-profit research arm of Neuro Emotional Technique. They recently published two peer reviewed journals this past year regarding both Cancer and Trauma, and straight up Post Traumatic Stress Disoder(PTSD). What the research team did what perform pre and post tests with people suffering from PTSD. They had the participants undergo a functional MRI of the brain before and after. The brain before undergoing Neuro Emotional Technique(NET), lit up like a Christmas tree when the traumatic memories were accessed. In other words, all the typical symptoms of PTSD, such as anxiety, fear, flashbacks, depression, etc, were all present. Just after only 5 sessions of NET, the participant's brain were scanned by the functional MRI machine again, and the results were astonishing. No evidence of PTSD existed in the brain. In other words, they were cured. Check out the image of the brain scan below. For more research information, check out It is pretty amazing stuff. I must add my 2 cents about this study. From my personal experience EMDR is an amazing tool for trauma. This too can work very quickly. The difference is that with EMDR, we must relive the trauma, but with NET, there is little to no reliving the flashbacks.
Neuro Emotional Technique - What is it and How does it Help? As both a therapist and a student of life, I am constantly searching for ways to help both myself and the lives of my patients. I feel that any provider, whether they are a medical doctor, nurse, psychologist, or therapist, should be open to possibilities that what they currently know to be true could one day be turned upside down. This is what happened to me this past March.
I have a colleague friend of mine that I have known since my early days of counseling. She practices in my hometown in Florida, while I practice here in Gastonia. Ironically, we each recieved training in the exact same forms of treatment that the average therapist never takes the time to learn. It was not until last year, I saw her post on Facebook about the Neuro Emotional Technique or NET for short. I asked her how much better is it at helping people with trauma, anxiety, phobias, etc compared to traditional talk therapy, EMDR, and hypnosis. What she said made my skeptical. She said NET blew those treatments out of the water. It was not until six months later when I was talking to an old friend from the church I attended as a child that NET became a reality. She said that she went to my therapist friend for help, and was helped immensely in just a couple of sessions. It was my friend's testimony that prompted me to sign up for the next training. What happened at the training completely took my previous 16 years of practice and stood it on its head. I attended this training in Orlando. I am not going to lie, I was planning on going to the training, and if it was total garbage compared to what I had already known, I was going to leave and go on a mini vacation for myself, and spend the next few days lying on the beach with a cold one in my hand. Well, within the first hour, I was mesmerized. What I learned blew my mind. NET is a technique and a treatment method that helps people uncover and understand how life events in the past contribute to how we feel today. Often times, the events appear to be seemingly unrelated. We call these Neuro Emotional Complexes or just stuck points. It also uncovers emotional setbacks that keep us from healing physically. I literally watched people and now have treated people for chronic pain such as ear, leg, and stomach pain literally go away after uncovering and releasing past emotional stuck points. On a personal note, the physician who was teaching me asked me what I want to be different in my life, I said I want to be free of my addiction to sugar. What was uncovered was that my sugar addiction became out of control when my parents divorced when I was 17. To be perfectly clear, I am happy my parents are divorced and happily remarried, but at that time, but it was traumatic for me to go through. It was emotional residue, so to speak, that I was unaware that I still had in me. Since March 22(as of this writing on 5/5/18), I have lost over 30lbs without even trying. Another personal testimony is my elbow pain. I injured my elbows lifting weights. My elbows hurt so bad that I could barely lift myself up from the chair without help. I even had to have my intern open a bottle of water for me. To doctor helped me find the stuck point to that as well. My elbows have been bothering mefor about 5 months, and it was at that time, I remember making an off handed comment to my wife about a family member causing me a great deal of stress. That stressor was related to my elbow. Immediately after NET, I was to lift myself up, open my own bottle with out pain, and do unassisted push ups. My elbows now can finally heal. Needless to say, I am a believer. So what does all this mean to the people that I serve and treat. It means that I am one of only 8000 practitioners in the world that are trained to provide this service. There are over 600000 therapists in the US alone. So, NET is pretty darn unique. What I have literally seen happen is that we can get through a year of traditional talk therapy in less than one hour. The results speak for themselves. I do not have to know deep, dark, family secrets. Nor do we have to rehash the painful past. Check my link for NET on our website for a video demonstration. It is really that simple. To be fair, this is not a cure all. The individuals who are not well suited for this technique are people who suffer from active psychosis, and people with severe mental illness that need immediate long term hospitalization. Almost everyone else achieves success. So if you are someone else you love could benefit, give us a call. Till next time my friends, Justin |
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April 2024