Neuro Emotional Technique and Couples TherapyWhile I am in between patients, I decided to write a quick post about how Neuro Emotional Technique has helped my patients to move past and heal from marital affairs, cheating, and adultery. Often times in couple’s therapy, one spouse remains emotionally stuck on a particular event or events of the past. This makes the healing process very difficult. I have heard it many times before. One spouse has the affair, and the other one is left trying to cope and pick up the pieces. They often stay to me, “How can I ever move past and trust my spouse again?” The answer is simple. If a couple is determined to work through whatever occurred trust can be rebuilt. First, the offending spouse need to “eat some crow” as I call it by being completely and utterly transparent. No secrecy whatsoever. Second, they MUST handle any emotional upsets from the other spouse with total mercy and grace. Here is what I mean by mercy and grace. Instead of getting frustrated and say things such as, “When are you ever gonna get over this?” The offending spouse must say something along the lines of, “You are right, I was wrong, and I will do whatever it takes to make it right so you no longer feel this way.” Anything less starts the healing all over. It opens the wounds back up. Now, this is where Neuro Emotional Technique comes into play.
The reason I love Neuro Emotional Technique so much is that we can get a year’s worth of talk therapy completed in under an hour. In the case in infidelity, the person who was offended, or the one left to pick up the pieces, will benefit the most from this technique. We focus on the emotional blockages that keep us from moving forward such as feelings of fear, anger, resentment, etc. Once these feelings are released, healing takes place rather quickly. I do not know how to describe how it feels for my patients when they go through this technique. There is almost a universal feelings of calm and peace about the whole situation. The mind slows WAY down, and the patient can think calmly for the first time in a long time. Basically, I am told that they have their life back. So, if this is something you are someone you know may benefit from, please feel free to give us a call. Till next time, Justin
BLOGAuthorThoughts of rambling therapists. Archives
April 2024