Laser acupuncture is where modern technology meets ancient medical wisdom. Laser acupuncture is a needle free approach to receiving all the benefits of traditional acupuncture, but without the fear of needles or any pain. Traditional acupuncture, when done correctly, causes little to no pain, but try telling that to someone who has an aversion to needles. With laser acupuncture, on the other hand, a painless low level light laser is placed on the acupuncture points and stimulated with either a red or blue light. The effects are nearly instantaneous, and treatments can be completed in about 10 minutes. With traditional acupuncture, the needles are inserted and left in the body for about 20 minutes before being removed.
What can it help me? Well...Acupuncture changed my life. I speak a lot about the emotional effects of Neuro Emotional Technique, and since learning this NET, I started a journey to understand the science behind this method and how exactly it does what it does. This rabbit hole sent me to acupuncture school where I learned about this whole system of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. What I learned is that the body creates an electrical bio-field, that when needles or in this case, lasers, are placed in specific locations, the body responds in a favorable way. The results can at times be nothing short of miraculous. I can go on and on about what I have seen accomplished with the use acupuncture. Each person has a pattern of energy flow the Chinese have called, Qi. Qi is the bio energetic field that flows and can be felt when a trained person feels the pulse along the thumb side of the wrist. This pattern that is felt tells the trained person the direction of the flow Qi. The trained acupuncturist then knows where to place the needles, or lasers, to best benefit their patient. So instead of seeing people who have anxiety, depression, diabetes, low back pain, etc, I see patterns that need to be readjusted in order to bring the body back into balance in order for all those symptoms to fall away. My encouragement is that everyone give this system of medicine a try, and they too can have their own success story. Till next time, Justin
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April 2024