CBT is Bullsh*t and Here is whyI was perusing the internet a little bit ago, and I stumbled upon a website called BeyondOCD.org. It is a non profit website that attempts to provide a service for people seeking treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder, or OCD. What irked me the most is that they tout the benefits of CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy. They posted an article on how to find a therapist who uses CBT for treatment. For that, I call total bullsh*t. CBT is slow at best, and worthless at most. A research article came out earlier this year that declared CBT is no more effective than reading a self help book. In other words, it is bullsh*t. The majority of my practice stems from people who have had failed CBT.
I have said in other posts that CBT has its value and it's place, but in the realm of anxiety and anxiety based disorders such as OCD, it significantly over steps its place. Here is why CBT and any variation is essentially a waste of time and money in treating anxiety disorders. 1. OCD and any other form of anxiety has CAUSE that occurred sometime in the past. 2. The cause may or may not be known consciously to the person. However, the subconscious mind always knows in the biochemical storage of the body's nerves. 3. Energy Psychology such as Neuro Emotional Technique accesses the body's subconscious through applied kinesiology and acupuncture points. - No other technique does this level of detection and elimination. 4. When a person is suffering from OCD or anxiety, whatever is learned from CBT is quickly thrown out the window because of the body's flight or fight response. 5. CBT is a mind only approach to treatment, and everyone who experiences anxiety feel it in the pit of their stomach or have the tightness in their chest. This clearly shows that the body stores emotions that CANNOT be accessed by CBT alone. 6.Results speak for themselves. Why waste the money on countless sessions of CBT, when a few session of Neuro Emotional Technique are enough to completely eliminate anxiety, panic attacks, and OCD? To any therapist, psychologist, or medical doctor who spreads false information due to lack of understanding of Energy Psychology and Neuro Emotional Technique, I personally challenge you to experience Neuro Emotional Technique for yourselves. I promise, your life and the lives of your patients will be forever changed.
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April 2024