Alcohol Free, Sodium Free, Gluten Free, Allergy Free,Yeast Free, and COMPATIBLE with ALL medications with NO Side Effects
NET Homeopathic Remedies are a natural way to improve health and overall well being. Each bottle is specifically designed to allow the body to naturally heal. The first 5 remedies are based on the acupuncture 5 elements which support different meridians and organ systems. The others were specifically designed and tested by Dr. Scott Walker, DC, the developer of Neuro Emotional Technique.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a scientific system of health care that utilizes a variety of mineral, plant and animal substances in very small doses to help activate the body's own natural healing processes. Homeopathy activates the body's healing processes on both a physical and mental/emotional level and can be effectively utilized for first aid, acute illnesses, and all manner of chronic conditions. Homeopathy is not a substitute for medical treatment.
The science of Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700s by the German physician and chemist, Samuel Hahnemann, MD (1755-1843). Hahnemann developed homeopathy, advancing the theory that 'like-cures-like', which today it is a verified Law of Pharmacology: The Law of Similars.
Homeopathy is based on the concept that illness can be cured by taking a specific homeopathic preparation (a diluted and succussed/shaken form) of a substance that, if that full-strength substance was taken by a relatively healthy person, would actually produce symptoms like those in the ill person.
Click on each remedy to learn more.
Each remedy is available for purchase at our office for $24.00 each.
Important: Although an active ingredient is listed on the label, it is never present in its full-strength form. While the full-strength version of some of the ingredients might be undesirable, the diluted homeopathic version will activate the body's healing response to safely eliminate related toxins.
Not sure which remedy is right for you? Take the Wellness Check below:
NET Homeopathic Remedies are a natural way to improve health and overall well being. Each bottle is specifically designed to allow the body to naturally heal. The first 5 remedies are based on the acupuncture 5 elements which support different meridians and organ systems. The others were specifically designed and tested by Dr. Scott Walker, DC, the developer of Neuro Emotional Technique.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a scientific system of health care that utilizes a variety of mineral, plant and animal substances in very small doses to help activate the body's own natural healing processes. Homeopathy activates the body's healing processes on both a physical and mental/emotional level and can be effectively utilized for first aid, acute illnesses, and all manner of chronic conditions. Homeopathy is not a substitute for medical treatment.
The science of Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700s by the German physician and chemist, Samuel Hahnemann, MD (1755-1843). Hahnemann developed homeopathy, advancing the theory that 'like-cures-like', which today it is a verified Law of Pharmacology: The Law of Similars.
Homeopathy is based on the concept that illness can be cured by taking a specific homeopathic preparation (a diluted and succussed/shaken form) of a substance that, if that full-strength substance was taken by a relatively healthy person, would actually produce symptoms like those in the ill person.
Click on each remedy to learn more.
Each remedy is available for purchase at our office for $24.00 each.
Important: Although an active ingredient is listed on the label, it is never present in its full-strength form. While the full-strength version of some of the ingredients might be undesirable, the diluted homeopathic version will activate the body's healing response to safely eliminate related toxins.
Not sure which remedy is right for you? Take the Wellness Check below: